Daily Archives: January 9, 2012

2 posts

Anime Review – The Secret World of Arrietty

Yonebayashi Hiromasa, director. Miyazaki Hayao and Niwa Keiko, script.  Kari-gurashi no Arrietti.  Translated as The Secret World of Arrietty, subtitled DVD.  Studio Ghibli, 2010. Come into the Garden . . . Pamela Gossin When the creative team at Studio Ghibli takes us into the world of The Borrowers, it is in many […]

Manga Review – Nichimandoku

Matsuoka Waka, Christina Plaka and Dirk Schwieger.  Nichimandoku.  Collaborative online manga series.  Hosted by Goethe Institut Tokyo, http://blog.goethe.de/nichimandoku/.  January-October, 2011. Why Spellbound to Japan?  Communities Disarmed and Isolated in a Global Context Toshiro Osawa “Nichimandoku” is a neologism made up of three Japanese words, “nichi (Japan),” “man (manga)” and “doku (Germany).”  Translated roughly, it means […]